Unique Spring Time Activities in LA

We love Springtime in LA. The weather is getting warmer and Summer is right around the corner.

But another great thing about this time of year is the number of amazing activities to choose from.

With so many choices for this time of year, we decided to look at some of our favorite and unique things to do in Los Angeles during the Spring time.


1. Whale Watching, Newport Beach

Whale Watching Newport


Whale watching in Southern California is always ranked as one of the top outdoor nature activities. And Newport Beach has some of the best waters for whale watching in all of California for enthusiasts to explore.

You could post up beachside with some binoculars and try to see the Whale migrations from there. But we recommend going out on a boat to get up close and personal with professionals to guide you for the best experience.

Both Newport Coastal Adventure and Davey’s Locker offer daily guided whale watching tours by experienced professionals year-round and are highly ranked and respected businesses.



Newport Beach, California


Credit: @thedronebooth



Depending on what month you go you will see different types of Whale migrations (Gray Whales, Blue Whales etc). You can check a full schedule for the different types of whales and the best month to see that type here. If you want to see dolphins a good time to go is in June!




2. The Flower Fields, Carlsbad

Flower Fields Carlsbad


Embrace the incredible beauty of Spring in the most spectacular way possible as Mother Nature transforms the rolling hills of North San Diego into one of the most spectacular and coordinated displays of natural beauty in the world at the Carlsbad Flower Fields.

Established in 1975 the Carlsbad Flower Fields has delighted locals and visitors alike since then with over  50 acres of eye-popping floral colors overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Spend a few hours experiencing a place where kids can run free and parents can (literally) stop and smell the flowers in one of nature’s breathtaking wonders.


5704 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008


Credit: @the_Flower_fields




Kids may not be impressed with the natural beauty of the Flower Fields as us adults are. But over the years they have added many other activities and attractions sure to keep them entertained.

This includes a tractor ride, separate garden areas, ice cream, and fresh strawberries and more!


3. The Renaissance Pleasure Faire

Renaissance Pleasure Faire


Want to eat, drink and be merry? The Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire, in Irwindale California, is for you!

Spreading out over 20 acres of shady groves and meadows at the Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area, the Faire is a lively re-creation of a 16th century English port town’s fair and marketplace.

It invades Southern California every weekend between April 9th and May 22nd with over two thousand costumed performers bring Shakespeare’s England to life with a village of parades, pageants, and fun-filled townsfolk completely in character.

There are also 150 artisans display beautifully crafted masterpieces as you wander the village streets with of course plenty of food and drink as well, to keep you merry.




Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area 15501 Arrow Hwy, Baldwin Park, CA 91706





Want to really part of the fun? Make sure you come dressed in a period piece. It’s not just the folks that work at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire that come in character.

Most of the people who attend as well and that’s what makes the event so fun. There is no pressure to get authentic costumes. Just show up in your best costume that matches the period and it will be very appreciated and you will have more fun.


4. Kick Back & Watch A Dodger Game

Dodger Game


Ok maybe going to a Dodgers game is not the most unique Spring activity on our list but I wanted to include it. First off taking in a Dodger game is usually thought of as a Summer activity.

But there are a lot of advantages to going in Spring. The weather is cooler so you are not sweltering in the hot sun during the game like in July or August.

The enthusiasm is high because the season just kicked off making the games a little more exciting. And its a bit easier to get good tickets with people not yet on their summer vacations.



1000 Vin Scully Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012





Want to get a spectacular free bonus with your Dodger experience? Be sure to go on a Firework Friday Night.

On select Friday night home games during the season, the Boys in Blue throw a spectacular fireworks show after the game where fans get to come down on the field to enjoy!

5. Fly a Kite @ The Korean Bell

Korean Bell San Pedro


What outdoor activity says Spring more than flying a kite? Well, one of the best places to fly a kite in all of Los Angeles County is that Korean Friendship Bell.

Yes, way out there! You need to take the 110 South until it ends, get off the freeway and take Gaffey up to the Bell. But if you want a spectacular place to fly a kite this is it.

The conditions are extra windy and you should have no problem getting your kite airborne.

And let’s face it. The fact that you are flying your kite with the Korean Bell and spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean is one heck of a bonus!



3601 S Gaffey St, San Pedro, CA 90731






If you are going to drive all the way to San Pedro and the Korean Bell you might as well make it worth it right? Luckily there are so many awesome things to see just minutes from the Bell.

You have Cabrillo Beach, Sunken City, Point Fermin Park, the LA waterfront and so much more right there. You can easily see San Pedros top attractions all in one day with them so conveniently located next to each other.


5. Beat the Crowds at Universal Studios

Universal Studios Hollywood


Why are we suggesting Universal Studios in the Springtime? Well, we love theme parks but one thing everybody hates is all the long lines and waiting.

When Summer is in full swing it’s guaranteed to be jam-packed every day!

But if you time it right you should be able to find days in the Spring when the park is not as crowded. The key is to wait until all the Spring breaks are over and all the kids are back in school.

This can be a little tough to know for out of state schools but we know that almost all are completely done by late April.

So if you go the last week of April or early May (especially on a weekday) you should have to deal with way fewer crowds and way less time waiting in line!



100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608




I have been to Universal Studios many times and have some special hacks for it.

  1. Go early and when the park first opens immediately walk to the escalators that take you to the lower level rides. Everyone mills around on the top level and jams up the Harry Potter Ride and The Simpsons etc. If you go to the down level first you should be able to ride the Mummy, Transformers and Jurassic Park in the first 60-90 minutes you are there.
  2. Ok, so now you got at least 3 awesome rides out of the way in your first couple of hours at the park. Now its time to head up and face the chaos of the first level. There is no way around it. There will be long lines for Harry Potter. So if you don’t have a Fast pass this is where you should do single rider which will allow you to skip the long lines.


Do you agree with our list or did we miss an obvious one? Let us know by commenting below!



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