Promote your LA Based Business to over 180,000+ passionate followers of LifeHacksLA on our Social Media Platforms



    Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could get your business in front of over 100,000+ passionate Angelinos without:

    • spending a ton of money?
    • without dealing with flaky and unreliable influencers?
    • without guessing if the campaign actually brought you new clients?

    Our community call themselves LAHACKERS and they love to discover and experience the best of LA.

    We have worked with local icons like the ‘Hollywood Bowl’, the ‘LA Phil Harmonic’, ‘The Queen Mary’ ‘Westfield Malls’ as well as dozens and dozens of Los Angeles based businesses to bring them hundreds of real clients lined up at their door!

    We can promote your business on multiple platforms including:

    • Instagram account: 180,000+ Followers
    • Website: Weekly blog articles and loyal readership
    • Email List: Weekly email suggestions of what to do goes out to thousands
    • VIP Text: A weekly text sent out to subscribers recommending what to do in LA that weekend
    • Podcast: #1 Podcast on LA Activities (published on all major podcast platforms)

    When you work with us you get affordable rates, responsive attention to detail, and exact ROI tracking so you can see how many clients came directly from the campaign we do together.

    Please note that we ONLY work with a business that fits our brand and nothing sexual or drug-related will be considered.

    Stefan Fagerholm LifehacksLAIf you think your business would be a good fit for our promotion platforms and want to discuss it further please apply to work with us.

    We only work with LA brands that are a good fit so that we can ensure that we can get you an amazing result!

    Really look forward to chatting with you on how to take your LA business to the next level!

    Stefan – LifeHacksLA


    Just a few of the dozens & dozens of LA based brands and business we have worked with.


    Partner Logos




    Cindy Rozas – Marketing Manager, The LA Phil & The Hollywood Bowl

    Cindy Rozas LAPhil“LifeHacks LA is such an incredible resource for the Los Angeles community. In the times that we’ve worked together, they have become one of our trusted partners, and we hope to continue working with them well into the future.

    Thanks LifeHacks LA!”




    Clarissa – Owner- Common Canvas – LA based Salon




    Irina – Owner – Picnic the World – LA Special Event Planning



    James – Owner – Rogue Aviation – OC Helicopter Tours




    Contact Us


      If you think your business would be a good fit for our promotion platform and want to discuss it further please reach out!


      Examples of Commercial Videos For Clients


      This is a promotional video we created for a partner the Museum of Dream Space located in the Beverly Center and one of the most popular interactive museums in Los Angeles.

      Museum of Dream Space


      This video was created for a fun new bar in Koreatown that has interactive baseball using a mix of virtual screens and a real baseball and bat. The purpose of the engagement was to show how it works and how much fun the activity could be for a date night!

      Strikezone LA


      This is a promotional video we did for Brunch Life Fest in Long Beach. They were a new live event and wanted to get the word out. We partnered with influencers Round Trip Weekend who spent the day at the event and made this entertaining video helping sell out the event.


      Brunchlife Fest Long beach


      If you think your business would be a good fit for our promotion platform and want to discuss it further please click to schedule a call with us!


      Contact Us








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