5 International Celebrations You Can Enjoy in the OC in 2022

Orange County which is only about an hour away from LA, has an awesome amount of festivals that celebrate cultures and traditions from all over the world right here in Southern California.

You can experience many of your favorite international foods, music and shopping from different vendors at these Orange County celebrations.

This list we have put together here, brings you a taste of some of the most popular events in OC happening in 2022 that celebrate international cultures.


1 – OC Greek Fest – Anaheim

OC Greek Fest


Who doesn’t love authentic quality Greek food? This year once again the OC Greek Fest will be bringing the best savory local Greek food vendors together in one place. They will include all those delicious desserts like their popular Souvlaki and pastries including Baklava and Karidopita to delight everyone.  The fest will be on May 13, 14 and the 15th in Anaheim.

Besides amazing food to celebrate this wonderful cultural fest,  there will be live music, traditional Greek music, and dancing.  You will see Folk Dance Fest Groups as they perform traditional Greek dances throughout the day.

There will also be booths so you can shop around, and a kids play zone so the little ones can have a fun time as well.  Carnival rides and games will also available.

Visit on Friday May 13  from 5 to 10 pm. Saturday May 14 from noon to 10 pm and Sunday May 15 from noon to 9 pm. Admission is $3 and you can find more details here. OC Greek Fest 2022


Location: 405 N. Dale Street.  Anaheim, CA 92801


Pic Credit: @jenlakersfan



2 – Orange International Street Fair

Orange International Street Fair


This popular OC annual tradition welcomes visitors once again this year to stroll through dozens of vendors and booths selling food, alcohol, arts, crafts, toys and more.  This year’s theme for the Orange International Street Fair is The Golden Orange.

Every year this fair offers great entertainment for all ages.  Find tons of different food to satisfy all cravings, and fun rides for of all ages.  Grown ups can also enjoy good beer and other drinks, but keep in mind that all alcohol sales end at 9:00 pm. There will be a focus on diversity with 15 ethnic streets with 42 food and alcohol booths. Food and alcohol booths are run by local non-profits with all proceeds going directly back to them.

From September 2th to 4th you can visit, and also make sure to bring your friends and family as these fairs are always best with a group.  Everyone can have a great time enjoying music, games, rides and fun bites.

More information can be found here: Orange Street Fair 2022

Location: 112 E Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92866


PIC Credit: @pattiecordova


3 – OC Japan Fair

OC Japan Fair


Japanese food is one of the most popular types of food in Los Angeles and many Angelinos enjoy coming to the OC Japan Fair because of the quality and wide variety.  You will find dishes from your favorite Japanese food trucks and local spots in both LA and the OC.

This year this fest will bring back all the savory and sweets you love.  Also this fest invite its visitors who love Japanese culture to do more than just enjoy the amazing food. There will be plenty of opportunities to learn other aspects of Japanese culture with live performances,  games, and shopping available during the fest.

The OC Japan Fair is typically in the early Fall though they usually have early bird discount tickets before then. Tickets for this fest will be available soon, so stay tune and visit their website.  Remember you will get discounted tickets if you purchase ahead.

OC Japan Fair 2022


Location: 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.



PIC Credit: @ocjapanfair


4 – Oktoberfest Old World Huntington Beach

Old World Huntington Beach


If you love German culture and food than visiting Old World Huntington Beach is a must visit anytime of year. But of course they really take the experience next level when it comes to their annual Oktoberfest celebration.

The Biergarten is a massive restaurant and brewery at Old World with over 10,000 square feet of just outdoor dining space! Attending the Oktoberfest presented by The Biergarten at Old World HB is definelty a popular yearly tradition for Orange County folks.  This event is phenomenal and serves some of the most authentic food and beers you can get in Southern California with bratwurst and steins galore.

The beer? Of course Germans and Oktoberfest celebrations are best know for beer and you will have plenty of authentic choices of German beer.  But the fun doesn’t stop there.  This fest celebrated for decades now, always brings big entertainment with beautiful girls wearing costumes and also German bands playing awesome music.

Is definelty one of the liveliest and most authentic Oktoberfest celebrations you can get in Southern California and its right in the OC.

Old World Huntington Beach Oktoberfest

Location: 7561 Center Ave., #49, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

PIC Credit: @renegadelion


5 – Cinco de Mayo Celebrations

Hangar 24 Brewery OC


As we all know of course 5 de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over France. This celebration is actually more popular in the USA than it is in Mexico and has become an awesome celebration of Mexican – American culture. Although some say Americans use it as another reason to have a big party it does help all the local Mexican American restaurants and bars and we are all for it!

Here are a few celebrations Orange County is having. First up we have Drinko de Mayo Festival in OC.  This fun event will be featuring several bands you may have heard of including Voodoo Glow Skulls, Radical Radical and Taken Days.  This event will be on May 7 at the popular brewery Hangar 24 in Irvine and the cover is $10. You can find more details here. Hangar 24 Drinko de Mayo. 

Also Newport is going all in on Thursday May 5 from 5 to 11 pm.  and invites everyone to come down to nonstop bar crawl action.  Go to Eventbrite and get your tickets to this huge 5 de Mayo celebration. Prepare for nonstop bar crawl action as you visit all of Newport Beach’s best bars. And be prepared to party as people get into this pub crawl with many of them dressing up for the occasion. Of course there are plenty of bars having specials on May 5th in Orange County but we recommend this one if you want to hit a bunch of bars in the same night with a group of fun people.

Here are more details. Newport Beach Cinco de Mayo Beach Crawl


Location: 17877 Von Karman Avenue #Unit 110.  Irvine, CA 92614


PIC Credit: @hangar24brewing



Do you agree with our list or did we miss an obvious one? Let us know by commenting below!


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