The Ultimate Guide To Every Kobe Bryant Mural in Los Angeles

Update 03/2020: please scroll to the bottom of this post for a Google map with all the murals courtesy of ‘Kobe Mural’

The Sunday morning of January 26th 2020 Los Angeles received some shocking news along with the rest of the world.

Basketball superstar, Laker legend, and one of LA’s most beloved heroes Kobe Bryant, died in a horrific helicopter crash at the age of just 41. Making it even more tragic, on board with him was his 13 year old daughter, Gianna, 6 neighbors and friends and the pilot. There were no survivors.

As of this writing, just a few days after the accident, there have been people paying their respects to Kobe with shrines and murals across the city of LA (and around the world).

Incredibly just a short time after the accident dozens of new beautiful murals started popping up all over from talented local artists.

We wanted to share where you can find every mural in or near Los Angeles for LA Hackers who would like to visit and pay respects. As more murals are created they will add them to this article.

Thank you. God bless the Bryant family and the other families that lost their life in this tragic event.

Many of these murals are taken down without notice. At the very bottom of this post we have an active map that should be up to date.


You can click on the address for every mural for it to open the directions directly in Google Maps.

1 – The DTLA Mural Near Staples

Kobe Mural Downtown LA


This is one of the most well known Kobe murals and was there before the tragic accident. It was created by artist Jonas Never @Never1959 back in 2016 when Kobe retired from the Lakers.

You can find the mural near the Staples Center, right across the street from the Los Angels Convention Center. Its located on a brick wall behind an outdoor parking lot.

Because of its location near Staples it will likely remain one of the most popular Kobe murals for people to come and pay their respects to.



Location: 1334 Lebanon Street, Los Angeles


Pic Credit:@dtlainsider


2 – The Melrose Mural @Shoe Palace

Kobe Mural Melrose


This Kobe mural was also dedicated to the superstar long before his passing. They call it the Mamba on Melrose and it was created by a talented artist from Long Beach:

It is an extremely unique piece crafted with 413 triangles to commemorate Kobes last game which was on 04-13 in 2016.

The mural is on the side of the Shoe Palace on Melrose. It was already a popular place for Kobe fans to snap a pic and now has become a shrine to the late great Laker.


Location: 7725 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles



3 – The Kobe Mural in NorthRidgeKobe Mural NorthRidge


This mural was also created a few years back (I believe January of 2017) to honor Kobe Bryant.

The amazing work shows a beaming Kobe and was created by artist and Bryant super-fan Levi Ponce, who you can find at @LeviPonce.

Prior to Kobe Bryant’s passing it was the only mural located in the Valley (that I know of) and is on the side of the event space building called Collective Lifestyle.

ARtist: @LeviPonce


Location:8906 Reseda Blvd, Northridge


PIC Credit:@Koreatown


4 –Kobe & Gigi 4Ever at Pickford Market

Kobe Mura lPickford Market


This was the first mural to go up after the tragic accident and was somehow created in less than 24 hours.

The heart tugging piece was created by artist Jules Muck, who goes by @Muckrock, it shows Kobe and his beloved daughter Gigi smiling.

A ribbon with the words “Kobe and Gigi, forever daddy’s girl” is coiled next to the pair.

The mural is on the side of the Pickford Market in Los Angeles and has drawn crowds looking to pay their respects.

artist: @Muckrock


Location: 4566 Pickford St, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@Koreatown


5 – The Kobe & Gigi Mural in Studio City

Kobe Mural Studio City


A few days after the tragic accident the valley got a new mural brought to us by @Artoon_art

This beautiful piece also honors both Kobe and Gigi showing him looking up with his trademark jersey biting and her also looking up with a huge smile.

The mural is located on the side of the building of VEM Exotic rentals.

Artist: @Artoon_art

Location: 11459 Ventura Blvd, Studio City


PIC Credit:@artoon_Art


6 – Kobe in the LBC

Kobe Mura lLongBeach


As far as we can tell this mural popped up on January 28th, 2020 just 2 days after Kobes passing. And Long Beach is showing its love and respect for the Black Mamba courtesy of the talents from artist Mister Alek who you can find here: MisterAlek

This mural was created on the side of Priority Barber shop which borders Long Beach and Signal Hill.



Location: 3390 Orange Ave, Signal Hill


PIC Credit:@MisterAlek


7 – Kobe, Fairfax District

Kobe Mural 1st and LABrea


This new mural honoring Kobe is in the heart of the city in the Fairfax district on 1st and LaBrea. Its creation was led by local LA legendary street artist @LeviPonce (remember him from Mural #3 above).

We told you he was a super-fan and he is honoring Kobe once again. This pic shows a giant Kobe smiling face to the left with a smaller Kobe figures ascending to the heavens for his signature dunk.

artist: @LeviPonce 

Location: 100 N La Brea Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@escuchaz


8 – LAgends Never Die, Sunset

Kobe Mural West Hollywood


West Hollywood is honoring Kobe at the wall of the Pink Dot, a late night food an liquor store on famous Sunset Boulevard.

This mural is the second by artist Jules Muck, who goes by @Muckrock (remember her from #4 on our list)

She has incredibly already completed 2 cherished murals honoring Kobe just 3 days after his death.

This piece is called #LAgendsNeverDie and shows a smiling Kobe giving us the LA sign while rocking his famous #8 jersey.

Artist: @Muckrock


Location: 8495 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood


PIC Credit:@drreamzzz



9 – The Mamba Embrace, Melrose

Kobe Mural Sportie LA


This sweet mural of Kobe embracing his daughter Gigi is on the side of Sportie LA on Melrose.

They are know for having sports murals on their walls and this one came up just a few days after the accident.

It was created by artist @BanditGraffiti who described a scene of people watching him in tears as he was creating the piece.



Location: 7753 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@Banditgraffiti


10 – Kobe & The Mamba, Boyle Heights

Kobe Mural Boyle Heights


Talented artist Sebastian “Vela” Velazquez has blessed us with the amazing mural in Boyle Heights.

@VelaArt is actually from Santa Fe New Mexico and not Los Angeles. Not sure if he just happened to be in town during the week of the tragic incident or he flew in for this.

Either way Boyle Heights has joined the list of LA neighborhoods with a beautiful tribute to LA Laker great Kobe Bryant.

It can be found on the outside wall of Jerezana ice cream Parlor.



Location: 2200 e cesar chavez Avenue, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@velaart


11 – Kobe Mural, Venice Beach Boardwalk

Kobe Mural Venice Beach


Venice Beach is famous for its beautiful murals and now Los Angeles most beloved sports figure takes his place on a wall directly on the beach.



Location: 1800 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, CA 90291


PIC Credit:@cheink84



12 – Salud, Near the Fashion District

Kobe Mural Fashion District


We will just use a direct quote from the artist (from Instagram) since he says it so well.

From Artist: @rubenrojas

“There’s no doubt in how I remember you, how LA remembers you and how the world remembers you. Thank you for showing us greatness, hard work and that quitting is never an option.”

“This is a tribute to all nine people that passed on January 26th, 2020. Each of their names painted on the wall. Each of you inspired me to paint this. . Salud- to life and health, to live a full and present life, to leave a lasting legacy through our thoughts and our actions. To being remembered as good people.”



Location: 2101 S San Pedro St, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@rubenrojas


13 – The Mambas, in Mid Wilshire

Kobe Mural LaBrea and San Vicente


This is a beautiful mural done by a very well known artist named @mrbrainwash

One of the larger Kobe murals we have seen it not only showcases a full wall of a smiling Kobe and his daughter Gianna but another mural on a sidewall (not pictured here).

The other mural is a much younger Kobe palming a basketball with a serious no nonsense Mamba mentality look on his face.


Location: 1251 South La Brea Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@shahinourian


14 – Kobe & Gigi, Costa Mesa

Kobe Mural Costa Mesa


We go a little South to the city of Costa Mesa in Orange County for this mural. Although its not Los Angeles our neighbors in the OC have plenty of love for Kobe and what he mean to our city. Kobe and his family actually lived in Newport Beach.

This beautiful mural was created by the talented @tykewitnesawr and shows Kobe and Gigi back to back with a heavenly background.

Artist: @tykewitnesawr


Location: 739 W 19th St, Costa Mesa


PIC Credit:@rednektex


15 – Kobe Gold, Korea Town

Kobe Mural KoreaTown


This mural is located on the outside wall of a 7-11 in Korea Town.

It was done by @figuerstudio and is simply of Kobe’s side profile with the Laker purple and gold colors.



Location:2377 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@figuerstudio


16 – Kobe & Baby Gigi,  Fashion District

Kobe Mural LA Fashion District


The Fashion District contribution to Kobe tributes comes in the form of this sweet mural showing Kobe kissing a baby Gigi.

The talented artist:@sloe_motions is a huge Laker fan and took inspiration from a photo he saw of Kobe with his young daughter after he helped lead the team to another championship



Location:1361 S Main St, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@lafashiondistrict


17 – Legends Never Die, The Arts District

Kobe Mural Arts District


The Arts District is already known for gorgeous giant murals so its no surprise that they created a spectacular one to honor Kobe.

This piece was created by the talented artist: @royyaldog and is on the outside wall of the Container Yard.

It shows a solo pic of Kobe in his Laker uniform as well as a portrait holding a baby Gigi after winning a championship.

Artist: @royyaldog


Location:800 E 4th St, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@dtla_everyday


18 – Lost Angels, Boyle Heights

Kobe Mural Lost Angels Boyle Heights


Another in Boyle Heights. Lost Angels. Across from Zamora Brothers. More info to come

artist: ??


Location: COrner of Warren & Cesar Chavez


PIC Credit:@csnyde02


19 – Mamba 4 Life, The Argyle Hollywood

Kobe Mural The Argyle Hollywood


Mamba 4 Life is on the Argyle Nightclub building in Hollywood.

artist: @kate.jjj 


Location: 1600 Argyle Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@lyftridershandbook


20 – Kobe Fist, North Hollywood

Kobe Mural North Hollywood


Kobe pumping his fist. On the side of Nelsons Liquor in North Hollywood.

artist: @issacpelayo


Location: 4420 W Victory Blvd, North HOllywood


PIC Credit:@isaacpelayo


21 – Kobe & Gigi 4Eva, Inglewood

Kobe Mural Inglewood


Gigi riding Kobe’s shoulders.

artist: @mannysayes


Location: 1005 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@sayyes87

22 – Kobe at the Venice Whaler

Kobe Mural Venice Whaler


Kobe Angel Wings. On the outside of the very popular restaurant just steps from the beach; The Venice Whaler.



Location:10 Washington Blvd, Venice


PIC Credit:@findamural

23 – Kobe Sorella Boutique

Kobe Mural Sorella Boutique


Kobe on the side of Sorella Boutique on Melrose.



Location:7829 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@paintedprophet


24 – Kobe Eye of the Tiger – Sportie’s Kobe Mural Fame Yard


Another on Melrose. Kobe in the Fame Yard at Sporties LA.



Location:7753 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@shanegrammerarts


25 – Kobe Girl Dad,  Long Beach

Kobe Mural Long Beach Dannys Signs


Another beautiful but heart wrenching portrait of Kobe with his beloved daughter Gigi.



Location:1602 Cherry Ave, Long Beach


PIC Credit:@KobeMural


26 – Kobe & Gigi, Genius Melrose

Kobe Mural Melrose-Genius


A mural of Kobe and Gianna side by side smiling.

artist: ???


Location:7569 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@elchicano1976



27 – Kobe Legends Never Die, KoreaTown

Kobe Mural KoreaTown


On Platform 35 MarketHall in Koreatown.

artist: @muckrock


Location:3515 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@8thnotch



28 – Kobe the GOAT, Laguna Beach

Kobe Mural Laguna Beach


In Laguna Beach.. tracking down rest of the info on location



Location:ca-1 & Crest st, Laguna Beach


PIC Credit:@socherylecious



29 – Kobe Angel Wings, DTLA

Kobe Mural DTLA Angel Wings


Downtown LA on the building of Hardcore Fitness



Location:400 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@im_uh_Syrian_bro



30 – Kobe Inspired, Boyle Heights

Kobe Mural BoyleHeights


Another masterpiece in Boyle Heights



Location:Boyle Heights, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@TetrisWai



31 – Kobe on Faixfax, Mid City

Kobe Mural Fairfax Mid City


On the outside wall of Pho Saigon Peal on Fairfax in Mid City.





PIC Credit:@hollywooddiva



32 – Kobe, The Dreamer & The Believer

Kobe Mural Fala Bar


This mural is called the “Dreamer and the Believer” and shows Gigi on Kobes shoulders.

It is painted on the side of the Fala bar.

artist: @paintedprophet


Location: 7751 1/2 Melrose Ave, LOS ANGELES


PIC Credit:@paintedprophet



33 – Kobe in Watts

Kobe Mural Watts


This giant mural is on a wall in Watts and has a great quote from Bryant.

“Great Things come from Hard Work & Perseverance. No Excuses”



Location: Watts, LOS ANGELES (address to come)


PIC Credit:@pequebrown




34 – Kobe Santa Ana

Kobe Mural SantaAna


Another Kobe mural from sloe_motions this time in Santa Ana.

artist: @SloE_Motions


Location: Santa Ana (details Later)


PIC Credit: @Sloe_motions


35 – Kobe on South La Cienega

Kobe Mural South LaCienega


Bryant smiling, holding a trophy and five fingers up for each championship. Gianna by his side smiling under Angel Wings.



Location: 2450 S. La Cienega, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@kobemural



36 – Kobe at City Spa & Health Center

KobeMural CitySpa Health Center


The Black Mamba and Mambacita on the wall of City Health Spa.

artist: @


Location: 5325 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@



37 – Kobe, Born & Raised

Kobe Mural GZJr


Another amazing Kobe Mural on the wall of Sporties on Melrose

artist: @gz.jr


Location: 7753 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@gz.jr


38 – Kobe, Doheny Wall

Kobe Mural Doheny Wall


On the Doheny Wall.

artist: ??


Location: 464 N. Doheny Dr, LOs Angeles


PIC Credit:@lastairclimber


39 – Forever Kobe, Euro Spec

Kobe Mural Euro Spec Motoring


Forever Kobe on the wall of Euro Spec Motoring

artist: ??


Location: 7753 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@lawomenshoops


40 – Kobe Mural, Holiday Bar



On the Holiday Bar in Boyle Heights.

artist: @Downtowndaniel


Location: 2471 Whittier Blvd, Los angeles


PIC Credit: @kobemural



41 – Kobe, Near Staples

Kobe Mural StorQuest


Giant mural on the side of Storquest.

artist: @rubenrojas @beautifyearth


Location: 3707 S Hill Street, Los Angeles


PIC Credit:@storquest



42 – Kobe, #24

Kobe Mural Union Pacific Ave


Another amazing Kobe Mural on the wall of Sporties on Melrose

artist: ??


Location: 3453 Union PACIFIC Ave, Los angeles


PIC Credit: @lastairclimber


43 – Kid Mamba, DTLA

Kobe Mural Ricks DTLA


Kid Mamba on the back of wall at Rick near the Figueroa Hotel just across from Staples.


artist: @pauldanielsart


Location: 939 S. Figueroa st, Los Angeles


PIC Credit: @pauldanielsart




44 – Kobe & Gigi, They Shall Shine 4ever

Kobe Mural Holiday Inn Hollywood


At the Holiday Inn Express suites on Hollywood Blvd.

artist: @alex_ali_gonzalez


Location: 1921 N. Highland Ave, los angeles


PIC Credit: @alex_ali_gonzalez



45 – Kobe, Gigi & All

Kobe Mural Social Kitchen Costa Mesa


This tribute in Costa Mesa pay tributes to all 9 victims of the crash. Most lived in and had very close ties to Orange County. Kobe and his family lived in Newport Beach.


artist: @socialkitchencraftbar


Location: 512 W. 19th St, Costa mesa


PIC Credit: @socialkitchencraftbar



This article was originally written on the evening of 01/29/2020. After reaching 45 murals we decided its to difficult to keep up with and list them all in the way we have above.

But you can find a map that has ALL the updated known locations of Kobe Murals.

This map is courtesy of our friends at


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